Electric Blinds

Experience effortless control with our cutting-edge electric blinds, supplied and skillfully installed for ultimate convenience.

Turn your home into a smart home by adding effortless light control with our electric, motorised roller blinds. These blinds can be rasied or lowered at the push of a button thanks to our wireless, fully rechargeable motor and a simple, user-friendly remote control

Remote Controlled Blinds

Centralise your motorised blinds, curtains or awning operation with our stylish slimline remote controls. These remotes come in a 5 channel and a 15 channel remote so you can operate as little or as many motorised blinds as you require.


Adding a motor offers a reduction in time and effort normally required for the operation of all manually operated indoor and outdoor blinds, zip screens and awnings. Using a traditional control that requires significant physical efforts can be avoided by adding motorisation. Motorisation makes operation of your blinds and/or awnings effortless by a simple push of a button.

Types of Electric Blinds We Supply & Install

  • Motorised Blinds

  • Electric Roller Blinds

  • Motorised Outdoor Blinds

Experience the convenience of electric blinds. Contact us now to discuss your options!